15th DDES Scientific Program


Program Saturday, October 5

08:00 Registration and Welcome Coffee

08:50 Welcome

Jaber AL-ALI (Jabriya, Kuwait)

Mahmoud OMAR (Salmiya, Kuwait)

09:00-11:00 Live Transmission from AIG, Hyderabad, India

Chairpersons:    Jaber AL-ALI (Jabriya, Kuwait), Jacques DEVIÈRE (Brussels, Belgium), Marc GIOVANNINI (Marseille, France), Kulwinder DUA (Milwaukee, USA)


Experts: Nageshwar REDDY and AIG Team


11:00-11:30 Coffee break and visit to the exhibition

11:30-13:30 Live Transmission from Gemelli Hospital, Rome, Italy

Chairpersons:     Lars AABAKKEN (Oslo, Norway), Pradeep BAHANDARI (Portsmouth, UK), Purnima BHAT (Melbourne, Australia), Abed AL-LEHIBI (Riyadh, KSA) 

Experts: Cristiano SPADA and Gemelli Team

13:30-14:30 Lunch

14:30-16:00 Mini Symposium I: Functional Endoscopy

Chairpersons: Pradeep BAHANDARI (Portsmouth, UK), Jacques DEVIÈRE (Brussels, Belgium), Jenan GHAITH, (Abu Dhabi, UAE), Muneera AL-MOHANNADI (Doha, Qatar)

14:30-14:50 Inconclusive GERD

Prakash GYAWALI (St. Louis, USA)

14:50-1510 Endoscopic Antireflux Procedures in Kuwait

Jaber AL-ALI (Jabriya, Kuwait)

15:10-15:30 Hypercontractile Esophagus

Prakash GYAWALI (St. Louis, USA)

15:30-15:50 Endoscopic Therapy for Hypercontractile Esophagus in Kuwait

Asmaa AL-KANDARI (Al-Jahra, Kuwait)

15:50-16:00 Discussion

16:00-16:30 Coffee break and visit to the exhibition

16:30-18:00 Session I: Management of Subepithelial lesions

Chairpersons: Majidah BUKHARI (Dubai, UAE), Prakash GYAWALI (St. louis, MO, USA), Mahmoud OMAR (Salmiya, Kuwaiti), Honggang YU (Wuhan, China)


16:30-16:50 How to Deal with Subepithelial Lesions Encountered during Routine Endoscopy?

Alessandro REPICI (Milan, Italy)

16:50-17:10 Endoscopic Resection Techniques: ESMR – ESD

Asmaa AL-KANDARI (Al-Jahra, Kuwait)


17:10-17:30 Endoscopic Resection Techniques: STER –FTR

Pradeep BAHANDARI (Portsmouth, UK)

17:30-17:50 GIST Management 

Marc GIOVANNINI (Marseille, France)

17:50-18:00 Discussion

18:00-18:15 Take-home Messages from Day 1

Quiz of Day 1



Program Sunday, October 6

09:00-11:00 Session II: How to Achieve Safe and Effective Biliary Access?

Chairpersons: Maheeba ABDULLA (Manama, Bahrain), Ali AL-ALI (Kuwait City, Kuwait), Sara AL-GHAMDI (Jeddah, KSA), Cristiano SPADA (Milan, Italy)


09:00-09:15 Basic Biliary Cannulation

Jacques DEVIÈRE (Brussels, Belgium)

09:15-09:30 Advanced Biliary Cannulation

                    Madácsy LÁSZLÓ (Budapest, Hungary)

09:30-09:45 Deep Cannulation in Post-Surgical Anatomy

Lars AABAKKEN (Oslo, Norway)

09:45-10:00 Failed Cannulation: What to do?

Marc GIOVANNINI (Marseille, France)

10:00-10:15 Prevention of Post-ERCP Pancreatitis

                    Mahmoud OMAR (Salmiya, Kuwait)

10:15-10:30 Assessment of Competency in ERCP

                    Kulwinder DUA (Milwaukee, USA)

10:30-11:00 Discussion

11:00-11:30 Coffee break and visit to the exhibition

11:30-13:30 Session III: Innovations in Endoscopy

Chairpersons: Lars AABAKKEN (Oslo, Norway), Abed AL-LEHIBI (Riyadh, KSA), Ozlem OZER ÇAKIR (Istanbul,Turkiye), Mahmoud OMAR (Salmiya, Kuwaiti)

11:30 Active Magnets” for Treatment of Candy Cane and Esophageal Diverticula

Jacques DEVIÈRE (Brussels, Belgium)

11:50 Magnet-Controlled Capsule Endoscopy

                    Madácsy LÁSZLÓ (Budapest, Hungary)

12:10 Side Intelligent Medical Mobile Capsule Gastroscopy

                    Xiaobei LUO (Guangzhou, China)

12:30 Panenteric Capsule Endoscopy 

Cristiano SPADA (Rome, Italy)

12:50 AI for Quality Improvement of Endoscopy

                    Honggang YU (Wuhan, China)

13:10 Future Directions in Metabolic Endoscopy

                    Rakash KALAPALA (Hyderabad, India)

13:30-14:30 Lunch

14:30-16:00 Mini Symposium II: Post-Colonoscopy Colo-Rectal Cancer

Chairpersons: Kulwinder DUA (Milwaukee, USA), Ahmad ALFADHLY (Jabriya, Kuwait), Marc GIOAVANNINI (Marseille, France), Asmaa AL-KANDARI (Al-Jahra, Kuwait)

14:30-14:50 Epidemiology of PCCRC

Mahmoud OMAR (Salmiya, Kuwait)

14:50-15:10 Improving Adenoma Detection Rate: Caps, Tools and Techniques

                    Alessandro REPICI (Milan, Italy)

15:10-15:30 Important Quality Metrics besides ADR

Pradeep BAHANDARI (Portsmouth, UK)

15:30-15:50 Reducing PCCR: Is AI the answer?

Honggang YU (Wuhan, China)

15:50-16:00 Discussion

16:00-16:30 Coffee break and visit to the exhibition

16:30-18:00 Session IV: “What Every Endoscopist Needs to Know about” Series

Chairpersons: Jaber AL-ALI (Jabriya, Kuwait), Purnima BHAT (Melbourne, Australia), Maimouna AL-MANDHARI (Muscat, Oman), Alessandro REPICI (Milan, Italy)


16:30-16:45 Barrett’s Esophagus: Screening and Surveillance

                    Prateek SHARMA (Kansas City, USA)

16:45-17:00 Endoscopic Management of Refractory Benign Esophageal Stricture: What is new?

                    Kulwinder DUA (Milwaukee, USA)

17:00-17:15 Small Bowel Ultrasound

                    Heba AL-FARHAN (Kuwait City, Kuwait)

17:15-17:30 Polyp Size Estimation during Colonoscopy

                    Honggang YU (Wuhan, China)

17:30-17:45 Management of IBD-related Anal Fistula

Rupa BANERJEE (Hyderabad, India)

17:45-18:00 Pancreatic Lesions in the Gulf Countries: EUS Multi-Central Study

                    Jenan GHAITH (Abu Dhabi, UAE)

18:00-18:15 Take-home Messages from Day 2

Quiz of Day 2