Saturday, October 6
08:00 Registration and Welcome Coffee
09:00 Welcome
Mahmoud OMAR (Salmiya, Kuwait)
09:30-11:00 Session I
Chairpersons: Anwar AL-ENEZI (Al-Jahra, Kuwait), Mohammed AL-JARALLAH (Hawally, Kuwait), Zeeshan MIRAJ (Salmiya, Kuwait), Thierry PONCHON (Lyon, France)
09:30-10:00 Lecture
Hilar Biliary Obstruction: Diagnosis and Drainage
Simon Lo (Los Angeles, USA)
10:00-11:00 Endoscopic Procedures Presentation
10:00-10:15 ESD for Small Bowel Neoplasm
Hironori Yamamoto (Tochigi, Japan)
10:15-10:30 Endoscopic Management of Digestive Parasites
Miguel Muñoz-Navas (Pamplona, Spain)
10:30-10:45 EUS Techniques for Pancreatic Endocrine Tumor
Hakan Senturk (Istanbul, Turkey)
10:45-11:00 Dilation of Benign Esophageal Stricture
Yousry Taher (Alexandria, Egypt)
11:00-11:30 Coffee break and visit to the exhibition
11:30-13:00 Session II
Chairpersons: Metwally AFIFI (Hawally, Kuwait), Emad BAIOMI
(Salmiya, Kuwait), Emre SCHMIDT (Jabriya, Kuwait),
Hironori YAMAMOTO (Tochigi, Japan)
11:30-12:00 Lecture
Diagnosis and Characterization of Small, Flat and Depressed Colorectal Neoplasms Thierry Ponchon (Lyon, France)
12:00-13:00 Endoscopic Procedures Presentation
12:00-12:15 Endoscopic Management of Non-Variceal Upper GI bleeding
Joseph Sung (Hong Kong, China)
12:15-12:30 Endoscopic Management of Barrett’s Esophagus
Simon Lo (Los Angeles, USA)
12:30-12:45 Bilio-Pancreatic Confocal Microscopy
Thierry Ponchon (Lyon, France)
12:45-13:00 Endoscopic Management of Duodenal Perforation after Plastic Stent Migration
Mostafa Ibrahim (Brussels, Belgium)
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30 Mini Symposium I: Challenges in Managing Crohn’s Disease
Chairpersons: Wahid DOSS (Cairo, Egypt), Miguel MUÑOZ-NAVAS (Pamplona, Spain), Mahmoud OMAR (Salmiya, Kuwait), Mohamad SAAD (Salmiya, Kuwait)
14:00 Capsule Enteroscopy in Crohn’s Disease: Diagnostic Yield and Safety
Simon Lo (Los Angeles, USA)
14:25 Endotherapy of Small Bowel Complications of Crohn’s Disease
Hironori Yamamoto (Tochigi, Japan)
14:50 Fistulizing and Stenosing Crohn’s Disease: Surgical Options
Abd-Allah Al-Hadad (Jabriya, Kuwait)
15:15 Discussion
15:30-16:00 Coffee break and visit to the exhibition
16:00-17:30 Session III
Chairpersons: Ahmad KAMEL (Salmiya, Kuwait), Stephen PATY (Kuwait City, Kuwait), Hakan SENTURK (Istanbul, Turkey), Yehia AL- SHAZLY (Cairo, Egypt),
16:00-16:30 Lecture
Prevention of First Variceal Bleeding: Revisited
Mahmoud Omar (Salmiya, Kuwait)
16:30-17:30 Endoscopic Procedures Presentation
16:30-16:45 Endoscopic Management of Benign Biliary Stricture
Miguel Muñoz-Navas (Pamplona, Spain)
16:45-17:00 Enteroscopy for Small Bowel Bleeding
Hironori Yamamoto (Tochigi, Japan)
17:00-17:15 ESD for Rectal Neoplasm
Simon Lo (Los Angeles, USA)
17:15-17:30 Gastric Balloon: Adjustable or Swallowable
Thierry Ponchon (Lyon, France)
17:30-18:00 Take-home Messages from Day 1
Quiz and Prize of Day 1
Sunday, October 7
09:30-11:00 Session IV
Chairpersons: Ahmad Al-Fadly (Jabriya, Kuwait), Wafaa AL-
HASHASH (Al-Sabah Area, Kuwait), Simon LO (Los Angeles, USA),
Yousry TAHER (Alexandria, Egypt)
09:30-10:00 Lecture
Colon Capsule Endoscopy
Miguel Muñoz-Navas (Pamplona, Spain)
10:00-11:00 Endoscopic Procedures Presentation
10:00-10:15 EUS for Mediastinal lesion
Hakan Senturk (Istanbul, Turkey)
10:15-10:30 Expandable Metal Stent for Malignant Esophageal Stenosis
Simon Lo (Los Angeles, USA)
10:30-10:45 Cholangiographic Pattern of Biliary Faschioliasis
Yousry Taher (Alexandria, Egypt)
10:45-11:00 Endoscopic Band Ligation for Esophageal Varices
Mahmoud Omar (Salmiya, Kuwait)
11:00-11:30 Coffee break and visit to the exhibition
11:30-13:00 Session V
Chairpersons: Walid AL-AZMY (Kuwait City, Kuwait), Mahmoud
OMAR (Salmiya, Kuwait), Thierry PONCHON (Lyon, France), Mahmoud
AL-SAYED (Jabriya, Kuwait),
11:30-12:00 Lecture
EUS and EUS-FNA in the Diagnosis of Pancreatic Cysts
Hakan Senturk (Istanbul, Turkey)
12:00-13:00 Endoscopic Procedures Presentation
12:00-12:15 ERCP in Billiroth II Patient
Miguel Muñoz-Navas (Pamplona, Spain)
12:15-12:30 Bleeding Gastro-Duodenal Varices: Endoscopic Control
Ahmad Moanis (Cairo, Egypt)
12:30-12:45 Endoscopic Diagnosis of Intestinal Metaplasia
Thierry Ponchon (Lyon, France)
12:45-13:00 Novel Endoscopic Platforms for Endoluminal Management of Obesity
Mostafa Ibrahim (Brussels, Belgium)
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30 Mini Symposium II: Challenges in Managing Non-Variceal Upper GI Bleeding
Chairpersons: Wahid DOSS (Cairo, Egypt), Amr GAMAL (Salmiya, Kuwait), Zeeshan MIRAJ (Salmiya, Kuwait), Hironori YAMAMOTO (Tochigi, Japan)
14:00 Resuscitation and Timing for Intervention
Mahmoud Omar (Salmiya, Kuwait)
14:25 Role of Capsule Enteroscopy
Thierry Ponchon (Lyon, France)
14:50 Endoscopic Management of Peptic Ulcer Bleeding: Current and
Innovative Approaches
Joseph Sung (Hong Kong, China)
15:15 Discussion
15:30-16:00 Take-home Messages from Day 2
Quiz and Prize of Day 2
16:00-16:45 Breakout Sessions: Arabic Coffee with the Experts
ablate Barrett’s esophagus ?
Miguel Muñoz -Navas (Pamplona, Spain), Yehia Al-Shazly
(Cairo, Egypt), Emre Schmidt (Jabriya, Kuwait)
close colonic perforation ?
Thierry Ponchon (Lyon, France), Wahid Doss (Cairo, Egypt), Zeeshan Miraj (Salmiya, Kuwait)
conduct endoluminal stenting ?
Joseph Sung (Hong Kong, China), Walid Al-Azmy (Kuwait City, Kuwait), Mostafa Ibrahim (Brussels, Belgium)
perform deep enteroscopy ?
Hironori Yamamoto (Tochigi, Japan), Tarek Darweesh
(Salmiya, Kuwait), Ahmad Moanis (Cairo, Egypt)
manage submucosal tumors ?
Hakan Senturk (Istanbul, Turkey), Mahmoud Omar (Salmiya, Kuwait), Yousry Taher (Alexandria, Egypt)
resect an ampullary tumor ?
Simon Lo (Los Angeles, USA), Emad Baiomi (Salmiya, Kuwait), Stephen Paty (Kuwait City, Kuwait)